We protect your business from cyber threats so you can focus on what you do best. Our managed cybersecurity includes 24/7 monitoring of your devices and business accounts. We back up all your data—emails, files, calendars—and can restore everything on the spot if needed. We even manage your firewall and keep unknown devices off your private networks. Plus, with our $100,000 Cyber Warranty, we’ll cover your cyber insurance deductible if a breach ever occurs.
- N24/7/365 Cyber Protection
- N$100,000 Cyber Warranty
- NPrevent $10,000+ in Damages
- NAvoid $1,000's in Fines
- NMeet Compliance Requirements
- NProtecting Your Customer's Data
- NManaged Endpoint Protection
- NManaged Email Security
- N24/7/265 Security Monitoring (SOC)
- NM365 Monitoring & Configuration
- NDMARC Setup & Management
- NSecurity Awareness Training
- NMonthly Simulated Phishing Attacks
- MZero-Trust Privilege Control
- M$100K Cyber Warranty
- MCompliance Remediation Reporting
- MData Loss Prevention
- MEmail Encryption
- NPassword Management Software
- MNetwork Monitoring & Maintenance
- NOS Patch Management
Most Popular
- NManaged Endpoint Protection
- NManaged Email Security
- N24/7/265 Security Monitoring (SOC)
- NM365 Monitoring & Configuration
- NDMARC Setup & Management
- NSecurity Awareness Training
- NMonthly Simulated Phishing Attacks
- NZero-Trust Privilege Control
- N$100K Cyber Warranty
- MCompliance Remediation Reporting
- MData Loss Prevention
- MEmail Encryption
- NPassword Management Software
- NNetwork Monitoring & Maintenance
- NOS & 3rd Party Patch Management
White Glove IT
- NManaged Endpoint Protection
- NManaged Email Security
- N24/7/265 Security Monitoring (SOC)
- NM365 Monitoring & Configuration
- NDMARC Setup & Management
- NSecurity Awareness Training
- NMonthly Simulated Phishing Attacks
- NZero-Trust Privilege Control
- N$100K Cyber Warranty
- NCompliance Remediation Reporting
- NData Loss Prevention
- NEmail Encryption
- NPassword Management Software
- NNetwork Monitoring & Maintenance
- NOS & 3rd Party Patch Management